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Direct bearing

Service of Direct Bearing

Now there are various services of available direct bearing with which you can carry out international calls to rates very reduced. They have the very easy advantages to be to use and do not you require to shop.
The reason by which these services exist is because the costs of international calls have descended, but the normal telephone rates in many countries (including Spain) they continue high, since they have little competence of existing suppliers.
These they function because the users have been forced for the regulators to provide numbers where the users take something of the charge and then they can take this to finish the international call. In Spain, these are the numbers 902 the ones that charge to national rates (do not confuse them with the numbers 906 that are for calls of rates Premium).

It saves money in international calls with our service 902 999 007
From €0.04/min in fixed line – cabin / From €0.22/min in Mobile

    Services and Advantages

              International Calls. Save Money in yours calls

              Cheap Calls. Cheap call at more than 50 Destinies
              Calling to. Calling to same price
              Free Calls. International Conection
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